I think I may be anxious for fall. I do love the changing leaves ... I think I just love October... november , well... not so much.
Today was my wonderful spending momiji(that is japanese maple leaves) spree online today. I got this fabric.
http://www.yokodana.com/catalog089/3984/index.htm And I am probably getting some more of it as well. I think I want to make a skirt.
It is so squee worthy.
I also got some super cute momiji kanzashi.
It's a whee happy momiji day!
So tomorrow I think I am going to MD faire to be a pirate. I am pretty excited about my costume.
I have to find everything I am wearing yet tho...
Wednesday I think I am going to NYC! yay! more cool stuff! I will try to have some self control.
Oh! so I got back from Disney on Monday!
I did have some self control except when we went to Japan at Epcot. Everything had bunnies on it. It was so hard to leave there not covered in bunnies.
It was very hot & humid ,but I had a very good time & ate the best food I have eaten in at last 3 mo. woo!... with the exception of PMB sushi , of course.
Other fun stuff.... hmmmm.
Summer semester is over!...... For a week :P
My next set of classes look like they will be fun tho. So I'm excited.
I am sick of having heart burn! ever since I got back from FL I get it. So annoying...(have it now,this is why I comment)
Had to go get my thyroid checked out.. made me feel oooooooold! Haven't gone back to find out what is up with it yet... I don't think it will be bad,& I am hoping I don't have to take thyroid meds. Blood pressure meds is quite enough!
Thats about all,September is always the busiest month,I don't know why.