Bitch Fest2006

Mar 07, 2006 11:37

well... not really.... I just need to blow off a little steam....

so......ARG! project HELL is upon me!! I don't feel like I am getting enough done! It's so frustrating.. & yes.. I have been online all morning looking at stuff & not really coming up with anything... grrrrr....
At least the term is almost over.. In fact in 2wks it will be over...
then I can go have a good time at Sakura Matsuri woo!
I reallyreallyreallyreally miss my Old Bean :( I know he's having a really good time at his new job, but damn I miss him! I just realized it's Wednesday & it's Sisters of Mercy night.. I don't care that I'm missing them... cuz Eldritch is an ass, but I will miss not seeing it with my bean... I think he's going.... He said he might. I hope he can rip off another t-shirt from them mwahahahahaha! ;D
Maybe some other band will come around that I actually want to see,so we can hang out.
who knows...
I really regret missing Bauhaus... dammit Filthy!

I have been a total grouch....maybe it's cuz my room is so dirty it's unbearable & I can't wait til it gets warm so I can open the windows so I don't get sick from all the dust I am going to kick up when I do clean.
Maybe I am just sick of winter dragging its ass to get out of here. I'm not looking forward to allergies, but I sosososososososo can't wait for warm & flowers & all that spring stuff....
I can't wait for break!!!!!!!!
Oooh yeah someone told me the weather will be warmish this weekend.. I hope so.. a warm St. pats parade will be divine.

for Mardi Gras I started to re-read Witches Abroad... cuz they go to a very NO type place & do stuff there.. & celebrate Fat Lunchtime.. Wow the excitement never stops, do it?
I haven't had time to finish it so now Fat Lunchtime is over.. o well...

I really have to get back to the grind.. so much stuff needs to be done! maybe I'm just stressing out.. computer time is a Huge issue & I have finally decided to get myself one over break. Wish I had somewhere for a full size computer otherwie I could have one for free....
but nope laptops are so very small & portable that is what I will be that's actually sort of exciting. I'm excited anyway...
well back to work it is.......
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