Oct 03, 2011 10:39
Good morning my lovers,
Another week ended and a new one has begun. I'm looking forward to this week. For one thing I have our first game in dodgeball. I'm ready to hit people with a ball. Also I'm going to apply to some more jobs and see what happens from that. I did hurt my back yesterday playing football. I'm doing much better today. When I turn sudden or try to get up from bed it hurts like crazy. I hope to be better for Thursday. I had a fun Saturday night too. Went and got ice cream and had it in the rain. So good!!! Going to get more later this week. Onto the numbers for the week. For LJ reply's I got 20 from my friends and from my very good friend who I adore. I got 13. For email messages she sent me 73. I had a much better week with her and it can only get better. There were times I got sad for a little bit and even this morning I felt that too. But now I'm doing better. I shouldn't worry about that too much.