Feb 01, 2007 09:09
Yesternight I took a level 22 Aeylinn into Ragefire Chasm on a whim - not because I necesarrily intended to solo it, but just to see.
And I ended up soloing the entire dungeon, including the boss for the paladin quest, which was a really awesome fight.
I spawned him and he turned out to be a level 20 elite demon. During the fight, I'd used everything I had - mana crystals, healing pots, the bubble, bandages, and still it didn't look good for me.
I HoJ'd him and ran to the other side of the room and healed one final time as I went oom.
It came down to me with 20 hit points and him with 22 hit points... and then Aeylinn hit first.
I screamed in victory and scared Char, who was next to me.
It was awesome.