Not trying to run these into the ground, but here are the 2 Huffliepufflie things I did recently, as seen in
TTMT. I just finished the blog post about the prefect badge today....I know all you crafty folk could figure out a much fancier version, but there's a simple how-to there if you're interested.
Detail of the
charm bracelet
and the
Prefect badge Probably about all the crafting I'll do for awhile; back to the books.
One teensy tinsy complaint: Netflix didn't inform me that I was missing 3 episodes at the end of the 10th Doctor. COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. I went ahead and watched all of Dr. 11's first episode, hoping for some kind of flashback sequence. Then found out on Yahoo!Answers that I have to track down the "farewell specials" separately. B#ggering H*ll! Continuity, people!
At least I now know why Whovians think bowties are cool. :)