Nov 09, 2010 07:13
Day 28 - A picture of you looking like a weaboo/A picture of you trying to blend in and failing.
Asian kids always blend in, so I have no weeaboo pictures. :P Having said that, I know there was a picture at me at one of the Soulcalibur 2 tournaments with me wearing someone's Naruto forehead protector thing... but I don't know if it's anywhere online. I hope it's nowhere online. Eep.
Day 29 - What's the thing you [will] miss most about Japan when you leave (either on vacation, or move away)?
Convenience stores that are actually convenient. A place where I can ship packages, pay bills, buy ice cream (not that I wouldn't, if Ibuki is reading this! :P), purchase prepaid cards and a hell of a lot more. By comparison, the convenience stores in Canada are teeeeerrible, filled with nothing but snacks and magazines and... that's about it, really.
I'll probably miss most of the good food too like soba and my favorite fish dish, baked mackerel, also known as Hokke.