Japan Meme Day 26 & 27

Nov 06, 2010 11:49

Day 26 - What's your favorite/least favorite train line.
My favorite would be the Hankyu Kobe line, which is the line I'm using right now to get, well, anywhere. The Hankyu lines in general are all very good. They are incredibly fast, not too crowded, and they are rarely if ever late, unlike the crummy JR lines. In fact, in the four years that I've used the Kobe line, I think it's been late only twice, if that. The best thing is that they don't smell like crap... like the JR trains! I actually go out of my way to avoid the JR lines because they're so bad.

The nod to the worst train line ever is to any JR line. Any of them. They all suck. Fuck JR.

Day 27 - Place you avoid going to if at all possible.
The Asian Toilet. Never seen one before? This is what it looks like.

Fuck the Asian Toilet.
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