Good evening. I am Aakhu,
iriri's ocicat. I just wanted to say hello to everyone and tell you all a little bit about myself.
I have two sisters. Madelyne has a lot of energy, and she likes to play. Sometimes she really irritates me, because she's like a canine--she doesn't know when to quit. Sometimes we get along great, though, and I put up with her pretty well. My other sister is twice my size. Her name is Stormy, and I don't really care for her very much. She's not very friendly to me, but I suppose I haven't been terribly welcoming toward her either.
I spend a lot of my time sleeping, preferably on soft blankets. Unfortunately, the overevolved monkeys with which I am forced to dwell insist upon keeping us out of the bedroom except while they are present. I can blame this unfortunate situation upon my sister Stormy, who has spitefully had "accidents" on their bed. Believe you me, these are no accidents. The tart shall pay for her insolence, someday.
Some of you may have read of my exploits thanks to my oft-annoying but ever-loving mother. Yesterday, for example, I singlepawedly took down a chiropteran. Being a genteel sort, of course, I did not maul the shrieking beast, despite the urgings of my mother's progenitor, who was quite agitated by its presence. I awaited my father, who dashed upstairs with a contraption to scoop up the chiropteran and put it outdoors. I, of course, spent the rest of my evening examining every corner of the house for another of its kind, just to be sure the monkeys would not be overexcited again. It's so troublesome when they raise their voices and dash around like mice.
Well, this is it for tonight. Have a nice evening.