(no subject)

Jan 16, 2006 08:52

my cars in the shop.
this time its the alternator. 300 bucks. sweet.
that makes 800 dollars+ in car repairs this year alone! and its only the 16th! oh goody gumdrops.

and i need to get my oil changed as well.
i guess ill do that today when i get my car back. yowza.

im watching a show on conspiracy theories about MLK's murder. i love history channel. even though sarah calls it the 20th century channel. but god damn, its intriguing.
did you know MLK was a big ol cheater? its true! im not trying to undermine all the great things the man did for civil rights, i respect the mother fucker. but he got around more than a hooker hanging out at the lee st curb market.
i learned that today.
i also learned how to tell what direction im facing when driving.
mom drew a diagram. with a sun. that was frowning.
we were waiting on the tow truck see.
no sun ever smiles when you're waiting on the tow truck.

man, i bet there was a conspiracy. sheesh.
i need to brush my teeth.
so there i go
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