a little disobedience and a lot of love

May 11, 2008 17:56

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

I've had a great day.
We went to a really nice restaurant for bunch.....
it was YUMMY!
Cece loved it because it was "fancy".
She has been such a handful today.
I'm not sure why.
It just seems like she doesn't want to do anything
I ask her to do anymore.
I feel like I have to ride her ass like Zorro to get
her to do the simplest task.
We need to have a long talk to figure this out.
I refuse to let her act like some of the kids we know do.
I keep telling her that it's not my job to give her everything she wants,
it's my job to give her everything she needs.
I'm trying to send hard working, kind, honest, caring people out into the world....
not spoiled brats that feel entitled to their every whim.
I haven't ever spanked my kids,
but I do know when I acted like that I got spanked...
and it worked.
I just don't think I owe my children an explanation for my decisions.
When I say no,
that's not the opening of a discussion or debate....
it's NO damn it.
Whatever this phase is....
has got to go.
I feel like such an asshole for complaining about her on Mother's Day,
but it's just been a trying day as the mom of a six year old....
Tomorrow is a new day.
That's the wonderful thing about it.
I'm just going to chalk this one up as a loss,
and start over tomorrow.

We had a really good, productive weekend.
There was a ton of yard work to do,
and I somehow managed to keep the house from being destroyed.
The weather has been beautiful.
We've stayed outside the last two days.

I finished She's Come Undone,
and started The Bluest Eye today.
I'm so glad to have gotten back to reading.
I sort of dropped the ball for a while there.

mother's day, cece

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