good lord

May 08, 2008 07:55

Cece woke up with a big ol' tude this morning.
Everything was an argument.
I hate when the day starts that way,
and I have to send her out into the world all grumpy.
She bitched about everything....
her clothes, her shoes, breakfast, having to carry her backpack.
I was OVER it.
Somehow when we got into the car,
she was able to miraculously turn it around.
I hope she has a good day.
Now I'm feeling all bitchy.
I didn't get to sleep until 2....
if I take a nap I'll just end up staying up way late again.
Marlo and I are going to take a long walk.
Hopefully the exercise will get me going.
The weather is supposed to raise hell today.

I talked to Slippy for a long time last night.
She's very unhappy with her job,
and is officially looking for a new one.
If she can get one here,
she would be willing to move....
I've got to get on it.
The only problem is that she makes really good money,
and I don't know if I can find her one that pays that well.
Jake said she could come work at his office,
but the starting pay wouldn't be near what she makes now.
I would love more than anything for her to live here.
I just hopes she finds a job anywhere that she loves.
It's hard to see her so unhappy.

Alright, I've put off the walk long enough.
Marlo is ready to get her stroll on.

slippy, cece

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