Jericho Spoiler Video Alert

Feb 16, 2008 01:49

But I had to pass this on.......... No more spoilers for me!

Jericho - Exclusive video clip for Rangers
 I just got this email from CBS:

Attention Rangers:

Thanks to you, Jericho is back! What an amazing job you have done so far. Now it's time to take it to the next level and CBS wants to arm you for the battle.

Each week, we will send the Rangers (and only the Rangers) a link to an exclusive clip to the upcoming episode. Only Rangers and their friends and families will be able to watch it. Feel free to send this link to everyone on your e-mail list. You are their key to seeing an exclusive clip of the show long before it airs. Let's make this thing grow!

Now here's the capper... if we get 1,000,000 hits to this website, CBS will send you a link to get the secret, alternate ending to the series! No matter what ending airs, you will be able to see the other ending.

So go nuts, again. Support Jericho and get a part of the show no one will ever see.

Here is a link to an exclusive clip from next Tuesday's episode. This link is a password protected link just for you. Below is the link with logline and password info:

Login: rangers

Password: jerichonuts

Jon Turteltaub and all the writers, producers, cast and crew of JERICHO 
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