I've got some pictures here of my new place. I'm pretty much settled in, still have to put up pictures and I have a lot of little things that still need to be put away, but for the most part I'm moved in. I really wasn't looking forward to moving back in with my mom, for obvious reasons. But she really does need the help and even though she can get really aggrevating, she really is a sweet person, and I know all of this is rough on her. So I guess I feel pretty good about living here for the time being.
Here is the main living room (haven't hung stuff This would be the view from the bigscreen... the
on the walls yet) door to the left is my brothers room and the stairs
lead up to my mom's area
Here is my room... notice I have Star Trek on and This is just the rest of my room that couldn't be seen
I'm playing wow.. guess I'm a geek in previous pic