Oct 26, 2006 13:35
wow, i havent written or even looked at this site for months. weird. this used to be one of the most visited. well well whats new with me? hmm probably the most important and interesting thing that has recently happened in my life is my recent hospitalization. yeah, i beat you all with my sickness that i have appparently had for a long time. i went into the e.r. sunday and ended up staying through tuesday afternoon. After several blood tests, two blood transfusions, a colonscope, and orthoscope, they (its not 100% yet) concluded that i am severely annemic and have the disease called celiac disease. I am basically allergic to everything i love to eat - pasta, cookies, bread, etc. anything with glucen / wheat in it. yeah, and i am also forbidden from lactose as of right now and all i can say is ill be one unhappy camper if i am also lactose intolerant. boo. so yeah, my iron levels were dangerously low so ill be on iron pills for almost a year to get them normal again. thats basically the big news.
what else? hm im super pumped to head to madtown this weekend to party hardy after this weeks events. im a basketball player. im thinking i should go gangster and wear the bandaid and such. i hope everyone has a fun halloween, hope nothing bad happens...!! thanksgiving is on its way, although i wont be able to feast (gr notice my anger) i am looking forward to the break from school. it doesnt seem like its mid-term though, its crazy how fast this semester is going. oh shit i have class and i have to go, ill catch ya later homies. love