
Nov 28, 2015 20:29

So I got the keys to my new apartment on Wednesday, right after work. I have done most of the move myself, so it's been unbelievably pokey. One of the hardest things has been having to intentionally rid myself of many things that I have (which includes a lot of Carl's stuff). The apartment I am moving into is far smaller, which meant that I needed give away a deep freeze, a dining room table, a dresser, a storage table, and a few other things. Almost all of Carl's movies were dropped off to a game resale shop. I literally had a trunk full of movies, and I warned the clerk ahead of time. When I dragged the trunk in, she gave me a dirty look. Hey, I warned her! Many guys already took me up on taking Carl's clothes. I just need to mail that out. A friend of Carl's in Chicago is taking back his PS3 (which he initially gave to Carl). I am hoping a local comic shop will have luck with a lot of Carl's nerdier stuff.

I moved the big furniture all today with help of a friend. My God. 1) I am glad I lift now or that shit would have never gotten up and down those stairs. And 2) Even with that, it took 25 damned minutes to get my fold away couch down three flights of stairs, across the street, and back up three flights of stairs.

The only big piece of furniture I have left is my bed, which I need to dismantle, somehow. -_- I have never been particularly good at things like this ^^;;;;

moving, carl

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