Nov 26, 2013 13:48
My brother was ranting about how much he hated that Brian, a character on the show Family Guy, was killed off this past weekend. Whether you like/follow the show or not, it further solidified a belief I have, that people who write and create various worlds and characters, are inherently destructive.
I remember doing a comic series for years when I was younger, and at some point, I had this inexplicable desire to just end the world. And really, I can't explain why. I could easily write it off as, "Oh, I was sick of doing the strip," but even if that's the case, why destroy everything? Why not just stop doing it? Why have such a destructive ending?
I don't think you'd be terribly hard-pressed to find series and characters who met grim ends, almost as a means to stop doing what the writer is doing, from old to new. One could easily recall Sherlock Holmes dying, for example, only to be brought back because of popular uproar. And this constantly rears its head again and again in television, film, literature, and even web series.
And I remain unable to explain why this would be, but I can't ignore the fact that this pops up again and again, and it very much fascinates me, especially having experienced it myself.