[Multilingual Monday] Whores! WHORES!

Mar 04, 2013 23:22

So today I was listening to a song in Hebrew, and initially misheard the lyrics הכעב שבי, hake'ev shebi, "the pain inside of me", as הכלב שלי, hakelev sheli,"my dog." This isn't uncommon with me, as I often mishear lyrics in all languages, English included.

Sometime, this is done for comedic value.  Some may remember "Benny Lava" or "The Nipple Song," Bollywood songs that are intentionally interpreted incorrectly.  It's not just English that does this, and the term for this is apparently soramimi (Wikipedia article here), from Japanese.  It's kind of funny, but I came across this while sending an article to a friend of mine about the Russian word бля, blya, "whore."  How does this connect, you may ask? Because that article explaining blya told of a song, linked below, which is a Palestinian song called بلادي بلادي, blaadi blaadi, "Motherland, Motherland."  However, just as we have "Benny Lava," this song was discovered by Russians and subtitled with what they heard as the Russian lyrics, giving " бляди  бляди", or "whores, whores".

image Click to view

The chorus:

Где бляди живут бляди? Две мохнатые бляди? Денег мало длинный шмель, ты в кибитку не ходи

Gde blyadi zhivut blyadi? Dve moxnatyye blyadi? Deneg malo dlinnyy shmelʹ, ty v kibitku ne xodi

Whores, where do the whores live? The two hairy whores? No money, long bumblebee, you do not go into the tent

Admittedly, when I stumbled across this, I let out an immature cackle here and there. Some of the kids in the video just make it that much more hilarious to me!

russian, arabic, multilingual monday, hebrew, youtube

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