Gym crush #7572

Dec 12, 2012 09:25

So at my gym, there are a few very attractive men -- at least, attractive to me.   This isn't quite as true as at my last gym, where you got more of the "blue collar guy who just got off work" crowd, whereas my current gym has more college students and people who are more athletically focused.
Last week, in the middle of my heavy-rep chest workout, in came a man that, in my months of working out at my current gym, I had only seen in passing once.  Dark features, wide shoulders, goateed, adorable smile, BIG.  He walked past me, smiled, and went to the squat rack.
I was immediately smitten.

We started talking, and I learned that his name was Johan, and he was from Hawai'i.  I had told him, "Don't misinterpret, but you're a tank."
He laughed.  "Some of us are just born big.  Guess how much I weigh."

I eye him up and down a bit -- admiring his thick arms and calves -- and say, "320?"
"Damn, you're good," he said, unaware that I do this far too often.
"Now guess me."
"He crooked an eyebrow and looked my much smaller frame up and down. "200?"
"200?? I'm 5'1"!"
"Damn, is that all? Still, you're pretty big -- look at that chest!"

I blushed.

He asked me when I normally come in, and we talked for a bit.   He left before me, but I realised I had developed a huge HUGE crush.
Oh Johan. Johan, Johan, Johan.

crushes, gym

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