[Multilingual Monday] Linky linky

Apr 09, 2012 22:19

Links that are of linguistic interest -- at least, they are to me:

  • 36 Kanji a Day. I admit it; there are always those stray kanji that, no matter what, seem to escape me. Separated into nine levels, there are four kanji each day, providing pronunciations, good words to learn, and other tidbits. Yeah, I check this every day.

  • Hasafa Haivrit. Not much help if you don't already read at least SOME Hebrew. The linked page contains a slew of words that have come into the modern Hebrew language through Arabic -- I was unaware, for example, that סחתיין, saxteyn ("Congrats" or "bravo") had initially come from the Arabic صَحتين, the word originating from health and wellness.

  • Tsalagi Sgwatlanohedi. It's a fascinating blog about the Cherokee language and attempts to incorporate it into daily life. Though really every possible layout makes the site look like a mess, there's some great info here, some vocab lessons, and various new articles.

  • My Languages -- Learn Georgian. A tip-of-the-iceberg introduction to the Georgian language, with plenty of vocabulary and not a HUGE amount of grammar (which, in Georgian, is mind-numbing!)

  • Any other language links I should know of? By all means, let me know!

    multilingual monday, links

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