9 years ... can you believe it?
On March 29, 2003, I held an art show in my college in Romeoville, IL, in order to graduate and get my degree. Now, the funny part is that while not all of my artwork was homoerotic or bear-related ... yeah, let's be honest, a good chunk of it was. Ironic considering that my stuff was being displayed at my Jesuit college. Yes, even more ironic than the fact that a Jewish boy was at a Catholic university.
But I digress.
The turnout was pretty good, as I recall. Close friends, coworkers, my family (one of the last times the five of us were together for a big event) and a few others showed up. Along with Chris L (who I knew), was a man I didn't know. This cute stranger came up to me and said, "... yeah, I really like your art work." I thanked him, blushing deeply. The pic above is Carl and Chris, meeting my mother for the first time. My mother had always been a bit eccentric.
From this art show, I got an email from this stranger -- a man named Carl -- who offered to have a date with me, and we had our first date at an Ethiopian restaurant. It, unfortunately, didn't end on such a great note (as Carl loves to remind me, repeatedly -_-), and the second date? My cat died and we tried to figure out what to do with a feline cadaver on Easter, so also not a great date.
But the rest were fantastic. And though we've gotten into that "old married couple" phase of my life, I still love the man who I can come closest to calling my husband. He's been there for me through so many things, and has stuck by me, no matter how bitchy, angry, sad, or just plain neurotic I can be.
I love you, Carl. Happy anniversary.