So I'm thinking of attending this event, the
Wisconsin Beardoff, which is in mid-March. There are two other beard events -- one is in Minnesota and the other in Iowa, at later dates.
I admit, the last contest was a rush, and I'd love to do it again. I've become more social in the bearding circles, and have missed a number of events already (due to distance, work, or other obligations -- seriously, who the fuck plans a beard event on YOM KIPPUR??).
That being said, there were several more options for my beard in the first contest. Here there are only four categories -- moustache, partial beard, full beard, and freestyle. While I, indeed, have a full beard, I don't think I have anywhere near enough length to compete in that category, meaning I'd have to come up with something creative for the freestyle category.
An idea I had: why not work the Jewish angle? Dress in an orthodox style and make my beard into a menorah?
Yeah, it's a start. I'll sure I'll think of something. :: laugh ::