Jan 30, 2012 23:33
Let's be honest -- what are some of the first words you might learn in a language? The curses, of course! For example, chingar was the verb in Spanish I used to learn how to properly conjugate regular -ar verbs. And I'm always fascinated which "normal" verbs end up coming to INDICATE having sex. I learned European Spanish, so I see nothing wrong with a verb like coger, "to take," but my Mexican friends find a sentence like Ayer cogí un tren to be hilarious (I mean "Yesterday I took a train," they interpret it as "Yesterday I fucked a train"), and it's not like "to take" it alone in having sexual connotations.
It can at least be somewhat understandable which verbs take the connotations -- "to insert" (Japanese has 入る, hairu, and the passive, 入れる, ireru, found frequently in requests like "入れて!!", Irete!!, "FUCK ME!"), "to stick in" (Spanish and meter), "to wedge" (Spanish and calzar), "to thump" (German and bumsen), "to arm oneself" (Biblical Hebrew and זִיֵּן, ziyan) , "to lie down" (Hebrew and שָׁכַב, shaxav), and "to know" (Biblical Hebrew and יָדַע, yadaa).
... which brings me to the point of all of this. This past weekend I hung out with my Italian friend Massimo, and we were discussing oddities of the Italian language, and he taught me the verb scopare, "to sweep." Which also, somehow, means "to fuck." I'm not sure how, and when I asked him, he just shrugged. "Italian is weird, what can I say?" Carl suggested that the back-and-forth motion of sweeping could -- rather loosely I suppose -- represent sexual intercourse, but that seems to really be a stretch. But this DOES seem to give some sort of validation to an argument a friend of mine made once ("Please, EVERYTHING can be interpreted fucking sexually!").
Are there any amusing words you've seen to indicate "having sex"? What were they? Why did it strike you as odd?
multilingual monday