[Memories] The Polio Game

Jul 23, 2010 12:52

I think every child who had siblings (or friends who were like siblings), at one point, invented stupid illogical games to pass the time. With my brother and sister, we invented a game we played all the time called "The Polio Game."

The basic concept: one kid would "have polio" and chase the other two, trying to grab them and "give them polio," and if they "got polio" they'd have to chase the other two. Oh, and if you "had polio" you had to chant "I've got po-li-o" repeatedly like a zombie.

Seriously, somehow as a child this was totally logical. And of course we had no idea what polio even WAS (I was 6 or 7 at the time), and this went downhill when, at one point in time, my mother came into the room and heard us chanting about polio. Lord, she almost killed us. "That's a horrible disease you little shits! HOW DARE YOU???"

After reading the word "polio" today I thought of this stupid game and had to explain it to a coworker, who told me about some even more convoluted game he played with HIS siblings called "Ghost in the Graveyard" -- it seems that all illogical children's game creations involve chanting something stupid, as my coworker explained that at random points you had to sing "Ghost in the Graveyard" in HIS game. O_o

polio, childhood, memories

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