Woo, a new year 9_9

Dec 31, 2009 20:40

I'm spending it alone, again. Carl has to work, Jamie and Tim work, all my other friends are busy, and I'm broke. As sucky as that sounds, I'm accustomed to it, as that's how I've spent at least two of the last four new years.

I suppose that I should be lucky that the apartment complex doesn't have a repeat of the shootings we had when we first moved here 9_9

There's a black-tie party at the new gay bar in Peoria, and I'd love to go -- because, man, I never get to dress up and look all fancies. :: laugh :: But again, no one else to go with + lack of cash = unlikely.

I'll just be happy to have 2009 end.

Instead of partying, I've been buying bus passes, and buzzing my head, and vacuuming. And even playing the Japanese game I kvetched about a while back in a Multilingual Monday -- yes, still. Now that I've gotten to a point NO new grammar is being taught and instead I just get a lot of random words. In three new lessons I got "madman," "incredulous," "adoption," "lifestyle," "defendant," "fry," and "deformity." Man, if I ever wanted to write spam e-mail subject lines now I can, because really, where the hell else am I going to use "deformity"???

May everyone have a happy 2010. (HUG)

new year, nintendo ds, 日本語, apartment, peoria, japanese

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