[Memories] Not Yothers Nor Fey

Dec 29, 2009 16:30

I remember years back, a friend of mine used to always have insane stories about things that went on in his life, was super hyper, and lost a bunch of weight. And he kept talking about his best friend being "tina".

Of course he meant crystal meth, but back then I knew next to nothing about methamphetamines, so I wasn't aware of the signs or anything, and I most certainly didn't know the term "tina," so I thought there really was some woman named "Tina" that he hung out with, wondering why I never met her.

I wasn't particularly bright. Yeah.

I would later learn to recognize the signs of "tweaking" when I hooked up with a bouncer at a bar, went back to his place, and then had said bouncer EAT MY NECK (not nibble, not chew, EAT). Well that was a harsh lesson, as I was left with a wound stretched across my neck that looked like a topographical map of Hawai'i. I don't think many people mistook it for a hickie just because of its sheer size, and probably instead thought I suffered from the flesh-eating virus or something.

meth, hookup, drugs, memories

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