Things Regev Enjoys Right Now, Vol. #7572

Sep 20, 2009 14:30

TEST PATTERNS. When I was a child, I used to intentionally get up at obscene hours in order to watch test patterns. I have no idea what the draw was, but it fascinated me for some bizarre reason. You don't see test patterns anymore (that on-air time is now full of infomercials), but I DID come across one a bit ago and it gave me quite a NOSTALGIC feeling. I feel silly saying that, and I admit -- I was a very unique child. ^^;;;

ICE WINE. When nytemarewulf and I went to Michigan this past weekend we did quite a few wine samplings, and saw someone offering ice wine samples -- they were $5, but if you sampled and wanted to buy a bottle was half off. I told Carl he was welcome to sample it and, if he liked it, then he could buy one. It turns out he loved it as much as I did, and we now have a bottle in our kitchen. I have no idea when we'll have it or for what occasion, but the "fullness" of the flavour of said wine does make it worth its fairly hefty price tag, in my opinion.

PHIL JACKSON. Recently there have been ads for a cell phone playing on television featuring several famous people, and in it Whoopi Goldberg passes her phone to Phil Jackson, who I initially didn't recognize. He's become quite the hot beefy daddy, and it just substantiates my claim that some men ARE like a fine wine, getting more delicious with age. In said ad he passes the same phone to Jesse James, and immediately the thoughts of these two gents going at it made me smile with pervy delight.

MUSCLE. I do know some guys who aren't fond of muscle, probably due in part to some muscle-bound guys being complete douches with inflated egos. But that being said, I highly enjoy muscle (like the pic to the left!) and some men with muscle are sweet beyond words. Example: last night I had a rendezvous with an old friend who has been hitting the gym, and ... just wow, he looks amazing. His fur-covered chest, thick neck, strong shoulders -- it was all just beautiful. He very much enjoyed seeing me take in every detail of this wonderful physique, but he was also doing the same to me. "Man, to be as lean as you," he said, as his thick hand explored my chest. So, perhaps this isn't as much about "muscle" as it is about "mutual lustful admiration." :: laugh ::

wine, michigan, carl, test patterns, childhood, muscle, bears

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