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Amusing pizza story from current events renbear August 30 2008, 05:07:09 UTC
Mmm... Pizza...

You might be amused by this story I came across just a couple hours ago:
Sen. Chuck Schumer came by the Big Tent on Thursday to field various questions from bloggers. He discussed U.S. Senate races (in his capacity as DSCC chair), party unity (he was very impressed with President Clinton's speech last night), the dynamic presidential ticket (he believes Obama can win "by 300 electoral votes", though he may have meant to say Obama can clear 300 electoral votes), and various similar questions.

Senator Schumer was accompanied by a pair of staffers, evidently tasked with keeping the Senator presentable, ensuring he eats right, things like that.

After the conclusion of his session, the Senator headed towards the exit on his way to another Democratic event, presumably with relatively classy and expensive free food.

On the way out, he espied the Big Tent's food table. His eyes lit up.

"There's pizza? Is it OK if I have a slice?"

"Uhhhh...sure, Senator", replied the Big Tent staffer at hand.

Meanwhile, Schumer's handlers went ballistic. "No! No, Chuck, it's OK! We're eating in 45 minutes! At the reception! There'll be food there! No pizza!"

Schumer turned around with a slice of pepperoni in his hand and a sheepish grin on his face, as if to say, "But I don't want reception food, I want pizza!"

From The Party of Regular People on DailyKos.


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