Jun 04, 2008 22:53
You know, I keep promising Carl that I'll make him some limonana -- a lemonade of sorts with mint leaves steeped in it -- yet I never make it.
Yeah, actually getting off my ass and getting some mint leaves would aid this promise greatly. :: laugh ::
Today was one of many days where I wished I were back in Japan. During dinner, I reminisced with my bear about a restaurant in Asakusa where we ate with Nobu, and the waitresses responded to a call button and were continually kneeled onto the ground.
"A shame such places don't exist here," I said.
"They COULDN"T exist here," Carl replied. "Do you honestly think they could find anyone in this country that act that subservient for a living???"
Touché, Tsurukawa-san. Touché.