[Atlanta] Pictures -- You Took Enough, You Lazy Bitch!

May 04, 2008 18:25

I didn't take very many pictures in Atlanta, but hopefully you'll enjoy those that I DID take ...


The most low-key of the days we spent in Atlanta. Lots of computer using, game sheet making, and narcoleptic naptaking. Later that evening, after dinner with ericdabear, nimbuscub, and oakthorne, Carl and I went with members of the Lilburn Bear House to The Eagle ...

chillos looking hot.

nytemarewulf cuddles with meteron

It was fun -- we got to see not just one but TWO bitchfights on the stairs leading down to the patio. I later ran into a cute fella I've been talking to for YEARS online only to realize that I could only remember his online handle. So, naturally, I lookedl ike a schmuck when I said, "So, are you ... erm ... from Kentucky?" :: blush ::


Our goal was to have a birthday dinner at a steakhouse for both Joe and Carl, and we went to a Brazilian steakhouse ...

... run by Koreans. o_O It was about half the price of other steakhouses, and in some areas foodwise (the filet mignon) it showed, unfortunately. However, there were still some tasty dishes and great fun was to be had. Perhaps too much -- towards the end of the lunch and we were trying to pose like "The Last Summer" (but came closer to The Karate Kid) the waitstaff wouldn't go near us. :: laugh ::

Every other building in the complex had its businessname, slogans, windows, etc., in Korean. I've never seen a place so excitedly announce when it was closed before. O_o

photos, atlanta, carl

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