Fucked-Up Day

Sep 04, 2007 20:39

Oy, where to begin?

  • I FINALLY got scheduled for "corneal erosion surgery," and I said, "... I'd like to schedule it after the high holy days!" And when's my surgery? The 21st ... the day of Yom Kippur. Well shit. -_-;;;; That was kind of stupid of me! For whatever reason I thought that this week was Rosh haShanah but, I'm a week off. 8_9
  • Carl calls me, and it turns out he was hospitalized. Apparently it's sciatic nerve problems, causing him immense pain. He's been in pain for the last few days, and his friend Matt and I had both discussed how he needed to do SOMETHING because of the pain, which in turn was causing him a lack of sleep. "Well it's a bitch to even get him to GO to the hospital," I said this weekend, citing how I had to fight him with when he had breathing issues. Obviously the pain was terrible for him to have even GONE to the hospital, considering ... He's home now, and on pain medication. Oy. -_-
  • ... on the bus TO the hopsital, some guy told me I looked like Justin Timberlake. o_O
  • surgery, hospital, eyes, citylink, carl, work

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