nytemarewulf and I were in Japan months ago (was it really that long ago?!?!?!), Carl fell in love (thanks to
joncub's insistence on us trying it) with Japanese curry -- specifically, cheeseburger curry rice. The next logical step, then, was to buy a number of curries in one of the grocery store in Japan to try them out for ourselves. *
Our first curry try: コスモ直火焼りんごカレールー 甘口, Kosumo Jibakiyaki Ringo Karee Ruu Amakuchi, "Cosmo Open-Fire Cooked Apple Curry Roux (Sweet Flavour)".
I'll admit, I had some very high -- perhaps unattainable -- expectations here when I opened this up and smelled the wonderfully sweet aroma of the apple curry. After the preparations (with beef, onions, and potatoes), however, much of this "sweetness" vanished. Don't get me wrong, it's certainly not that the curry was bad; however, there existed barely any taste of "apple". The consistency was average when compared to some of the "candy bar"-style curries like Golden Curry, but the taste was by no means weak, and three was only a mild tinge of "spiciness" to be found.
Carl seemed to have been comparing the curry in the bag with the curry that he tasted while in restaurants in Japan; this might not be a fair comparison, but still, this seems to be thee basis of his judgement, as he didn't get to smell the initial aroma of the curry. After having become familiar with other prepackaged Japanese curries like, again, the famous "Golden Curry", he had judged the Cosmo Ringo Curry Roux as "just okay". Would we have it again? Sure, if the price is right. Would we bend over backwards for it? Probably not.
FINAL SCORE: 06.9/10.0
* And yes, that's my THUMB in the first pic -_-