Okay, I sent out invitations to the Eurovision Party on May 12th via eVite. Now, erm ... does anyone know how to actually get it so that I can just put the invite up here without someone needing to be invited first? ^^;;;
In the case that I don't ...
With Your Hosts
aadroma and
nytemarewulfSATURDAY, MAY 12, 2007, 1:30PM Central Time
Join us as we watch the 52nd annual Eurovision Song Contest live. Food and drinks will be provided, but you are welcome to bring something too. Though the contest is European, what you bring doesn't have to be. Join in the fun and root for your country, even if your country was eliminated in the semifinals or doesn't even compete. A prize will be given to those who can come closest to guessing the top 5 ... and who will end up rock bottom!
Email me if you'd like to come!