Dec 15, 2005 18:32
My grandfather passed away some time last night -- I found this out at work. Grandpa Elia had been suffering Parkinson's for a number of years now, and the effect that it had on him as time went on was tragic. Apparently some time wheen I started work he was hopsitalized for pneumonia, and things went downhill from there, apaprently getting a lung infection when food had somehow entered the area.
Grandpa Elia, when I've known him, has always been someone who had a great sense of humour, and wanted to make everyone laugh. He was an avid collector of -- hell, lots of things, especially old movies, Coke items, etc. He hadn't always been that way, but the horrors of concentration camps and the War were never brought up by him, as though he wanted to leave that era behind.
We're having services on Saturday. I don't know if they chose this because of me -- I hope not. I get no bereavement leave at work for ninety days (much less anything else) -- when the HR lady told me this Monday (before I knew about Grandpa being in the hospital), she said, "I know, we don't have a good bereavement policy. I hope no one dies." Well guess what, lady. -_-