Roger's House of Outdated Technical Materials

Aug 17, 2005 21:51

Pues, ya hay gente que empezarán trabajo sobre mi casa ... algún día.  Se suponía que epecen este lunes, pero ya dicen los constructores, «Ay, espera, ¡que ya  no tenemos un permiso!»  Me enfado, que todos los muebles y cosas en mi casa ya 'stan cambiado de lugar para que los contructores puedan hacer su trabajo sobre un ventenal enorme que se quitará y una pared que necesita trabajo, entre otras cosas. Y ya los muebles tienen que seguir cambiado para un período más largo que creí.

Cuando empezaba de cambiarlos, encontré mi alijo de revistas viejas de computadores desde los ochenta y noventa.  Un parte de mí 'sta harto del revoltijo en mi casa, y quiere tirarlas, pero otro parte quiere guardarlas para valor nostálgico.  Estoy casi totalmente seguro que las revistas no tienen valor FISCAL, que unas no tienen portadas, o faltan unas páginas, etc.  Si alguien tiene una sugerencia sobre qué debo hacer con estas revistas -- por todas maneras -- me gustaría oírla...So, my house is being worked on at some point in time.  It was supposed to be on Monday, but the builders then said, "Oh, wait, we don't have a permit yet."  That sucks, as I've had to rearrange the whole house to get everything away from a huge picture window that's being removed and a wall that's being worked on, among other things, and now I have to keep everything rearranged for an even longer period of time than I thought.

Upon rearranging my house, I found my stash of old computer magazines from years ago.  Part of me's so sick of the clutter in my house that I'm tempted to toss them, but part of me wants to keep them just for the nostalgic value.  It's almost certain that they don't contain any FISCAL value, as several of them lack covers, have missing pages, etc.  Anyone with any suggestion as to what I could do with these -- by all means.  I'd love to hear it...

Poor ENTER -- it doesn't even have a cover -- but it DOES have an article on The Last Starfighter.  The COMPUTE cover had me chuckling, as DOS is such a non-issue now.  It is, as far as I know, the last magazine to print C64 programme listings in the United States, and continued to do so as late as 1995.  The Computers & Electronics has classified ads for pornographic BBS's and several articles about the now-defunt CP/M.  And RUN? I subscribed to that since grade school, and hell, I even used to BRING it to school with me to read.  Which would explain all of the excessive asskickings, at least in part ...

reading, nostalgia, computers

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