Small perturbations

Nov 27, 2024 11:59

Ever have your heart flutter funny for a few seconds, and then go back to normal as if that was nothing unusual? It’s happened enough to me in my life that I assume it’s just something that occurs now and then, even though I’ve never actually confirmed that.

Well, today it happened and kept happening, or at least the ‘funny’ feeling in my chest just stayed there. For hours. It went on long enough that I was already working out in my head how to tell my wife, “I don’t want to scare you, but I don’t want you to get hit without any warning, either, so we may need to get me checked out at the VA.” When I got back from my latest errand, though, she was doing a video chat with our daughter, so I just sat down with a margarita cooler and waited for her to be done. Once she was, well, I found the funny feeling was completely gone.

Moral of the story: alcohol cures everything.

*Okay, after two minor heart attacks - and, yes, they were very small, but 1) they were heart attacks, and 2) there were two of them - I know not to take anything for granted. Still, there’s a big difference between “This needs to be looked at” and “This keeps happening and won’t stop happening WHAT’S WRONG???” So, yes, I plan to follow up, but it doesn’t have to be this precise moment.


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