Nov 03, 2024 09:43
Susan and I were supposed to meet today with some family members she’s been wanting to see again, along with two that we only recently became aware of (daughter-in-law of one of the cousins, and her daughter who just started at the local university).
Those were the good things. Less good? the daughter apparently has severe gluten allergies, so we were to meet at some ridiculously expensive (and, to me, horrendously pretentious) natural-organic-free-range-virtuously-sourced-gluten-free-artisanal spot half a mile from the center of town. We’d already been there before, with the same people and for the same reason, so I remembered the place as charging a lot for, essentially, the preening/condescending atmosphere and a few somewhat exotic dishes.
What the heck, the food wasn’t actually bad, and we would be there essentially for family, and we have the money … particularly since, with Susan and I eating at ‘home’ (RV) to moderate our diet, we’ve been spending nothing on dining out. Still, we planned to have something light during the family visit, and then afterward go straight to our favorite Japanese restaurant for stuff we LIKE.
These are the compromises you make, and that’s being virtuous.
As it happened, though, the day started with sufficient rain (forecast to continue till tomorrow morning) that four of the planned attendees chose to opt out, and the rest said there would be no resentment for anyone else who elected to stay home. After some thought, Susan and I sent our regrets as well.
So, normal day for us, light munching, maybe a bit of luxury dining tomorrow after Susan’s afternoon medical appointment.
This is the good life.