And the fun just keeps coming

Jul 03, 2019 23:48

So, 1,000-some words more on JBN, my effort for
WIP Big Bang. I really hadn’t expected it to go beyond 15,000 total, but I know where I am in the story right now and I know about how much stuff still has to happen, so I strongly suspect that it’s going to be substantially longer than originally planned. Why does this keep happening to me? and why does it always seem to happen when I’m being faced with a deadline?

In semi-related news, I only today became aware of Remix Revival, designed as a replacement for the gone-and-much-missed Remix Redux. I was a dedicated participant at the latter till the year it fell off the table (and started my own annual remix event even before then, because I enjoyed the process so much) … but, you know, I’m not entirely sure I want to get into it this time through. As I’ve noted previously, I’ve been having increasing difficulty meeting deadlines, and I shrink from the thought either of failure or of the frantic last-minute effort I keep having to put in to avoid failure. I still write, I still enjoy writing, but I’m just not going at the pace I happily maintained during my most productive years. While the capacity is still there, I simply keep finding other things I’d rather be doing. Which is definitely sad.

On the other hand, I’ve got a little project on the table that I’d still like to try to fulfill, so my fanfic output may yet see just one final burst of creativity. May, I repeat, because I’ve learned not to make promises on such things.

So we’ll see.


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