Dude... Homie... Bro... Mate...
Come on now...
So on r/Xennials they're talking about movies again and it keeps rolling back around to
Kids. Dude!
Look, I get that that movie was a lot. Like seriously, it was A LOT and A LOT in the needing counseling/ trauma response kinda way. But would I classify it as, quote, "The quintessential Xennial Movie" end quote?! Hell no!
I'm sure a lot of teens never saw Kids. I only saw it because I was all bougie (and I'm still pretty much super bougie) and wanted to see an art movie that was, for its time, very controversial. But seriously, if you weren't that kind of teenager, or you lived in a place that didn't have an art movie theater, you wouldn't have seen Kids. I would hazard to guess that there's more people who haven't seen Kids than have seen it, so I don't think this should count as "The quintessential Xennial movie". Clueless definitely and I'm going to shove Showgirls in there just for laughs, but not Kids.
And yo, r/Xennials, stop obsessing over Kids! It’s starting to get weird.