Not To Be A Jerk But...

Sep 25, 2023 00:28

If you can't see the picture it's a community post for the Carrier Resident Evil fan made action comic radio show? I don't know what you would call this, but it's pretty awesome. But damn, are you sure episode 2 is going to debut on the 29th?!

Not to be THAT kind of annoying fan, but y'all it's been a year since the 1st episode came out and y'all have been teasing episode 2 for about half a year, possibly longer now! Originally, episode 2 was supposed to come out in early August (I think), then it got pushed back to early September, then it got pushed back again to this coming Friday. Gees, that's giving me blue balls and my balls are internal so you know it's bad.

Look, I get it. It takes awhile to sketch out a story, then animate it, then squeeze voice acting into it, then edit it. Yes I understand this is all a delicate process that takes time and care to execute perfectly, but God damn dude!!! It’s been a year and we're still seemingly no closer to getting episode 2! Episode 2!!! Not even wrapping up stuff, just getting to the second of God only knows how many episodes.

I mean, I'll watch it if and/ or when it comes out, but let's hope the creator of Carrier will have at least two or 3 episodes done and ready to go, so we're not left hanging with our achy blue balls (internal or otherwise) screaming for relief.

But much like molasses plodding out of a jar on a frosty winter's day, it's going to be a painfully slow burn and likely I'll be dead before they wrap this series up.

resident evil series, are you f-ing serious?!, really?!, come on now?!

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