I'll save you a read/ scroll, their pick for best Alfredo sauce was Butoni. I wouldn't know. I haven't brought pasta sauce in a jar since I discovered how crazy easy it is to make from scratch.
Admittedly, Alfredo sauce is a bit easier to make than tomato sauce, tomato sauce from scratch is a bit time consuming. With tomato sauce, you have to cook up the tomatoes, then blend them in a food processor. Note: in a pinch you could mash them with a fork or potato masher, but scalding hot tomato splash-back is very painful, so be extremely careful. There's some other steps but my point is it's a little bit time consuming.
But Alfredo sauce is literally Parmigiano cheese, heavy cream; although there is a hot and heavy debate about adding cream or not. I do add it to mine, Yes, blasphemy I know, but it is what it is, and the last ingredient is butter. Let the butter melt, add cheese and cream and stir until melted.
It seriously doesn’t get any easier than that. Plus you're avoiding all the possible carcinogens, definite calories, and other useless crap they cram into preservatives. Also you can doctor it too your liking. Don't like a lot of cheese taste, scale back on the amount of cheese. Want to try it without the cream and just use pasta water, you can do that too. No butter?! Are you mad?! I guess so, but it may be delicious so who knows.
What I'm saying is leave that jar mess alone! Alfredo sauce is way too easy to make, so just make it!