So I'm having a weird bout of insomnia and I'm perusing Reddit and I see this article headline:
For the people visiting this open post who can't see the image it says quote, Medical Journal Floats Concept of Using Brain Dead Women As Surrogates Through "Whole Body Gestational Donation" end quote.
Reading that, let alone typing it, makes me literally feel nauseated; it makes me feel like I'm going to throw up...
Okay... Sigh... I found the article and skimmed through it and I'm glad I did because just reading the headline alone seems like it was trying to cause controversy for controversy sake. I'm sure that's by design because very few people are going to read the article (edit- or do the research on topics within the article), they'll just be angry about it with no understanding or context about what's going on.
From what I understand, it's not a forced birth situation, it's more akin to organ donation. The woman would give her consent to use her body for this purpose while she was alive and well. Should something go horribly wrong and she ended up in a situation where she was in a "Persistent Vegetative State".
The super oversimplified explanation of Persistent Vegetative State is the person has rudimentary brain functions, but is completely unaware of the world around them. How I understand it is, it's more like being in an incurable waking coma unlike someone who was brain dead, which is classified as "legally dead". So if a woman has given her full consent while alive and well, but ends up in a Persistent Vegetative State situation, then that's when the "Whole Body Gestational Donation" thing would kick in. Honestly, that's a lot of very specific circumstances in order to make "Whole Body Gestational Donation" work. I mean, how many reproductive age appropriate women are ending up in Persistent Vegetative State situations per-year to reasonably make this a viable option for people wanting to have children? It doesn't seem like the juice is worth the squeeze honestly (as Jose would say).
Okay... That's way less rage inducing than what that click/ rage bait title suggests. In fact, the headline specifically says "Brain Dead Women", even though the article itself says women who have previously given their consent and who are in a PVS situation.
Sigh... I hate that this is the state of modern American journalism. Reporters stooping to the lowest common denominator just to get eyeballs on articles, it is appalling. We as a society, really need to stop allowing this type of information reporting. From jump-street this articles headline was designed to get eyeballs on it and that "it" doesn't even include the article itself, just that dumbass headline!
I swear, we desperately need to do better!