There is a pink elephant in the corner, and its name is Islam

Sep 14, 2006 08:41

Over the past , I dont know 15 years of my life I have studied Islam. No not followed, but studyed it. Its very interesting what its people and sects and cultures derive from it. Mostly to sum it up its like this:

1. Islam is a religion of peace, sorta.

Its a religion of peace as long as every one is the same sect of Islam. 
, and if there are not any people with "ideas" about useing Islam for their own power mongering pogroms.

2. "Allah gave Islam to Mohammed to spread to the human race as a mercy to humanity"

Again refer to line 1.

Now Islamic Republics can exist peacefully there are 2, Iran and Malaysia. Iran goes out of its way to inflict their beliefs on their people
If you aint a Shia tough cookies. Malaysia not as open as that.

Now the point of the diatribe is this: Islam in the western eyes with current events and historically, is viewed as of this time as a bunch of whack jobs
who want to kill westerners. hmmm how did we come to this conclusion? maybe becasue all the Islamic whack jobs that call for the death to USA 
are seen on my prime time TV all the time.

So really, what Islam needs is better PR guys?


What I am advocating is like a "Islam WOW!" campaign to try to override al lthe bad press about Islam, you know that bad press where we keep seeing and hearing and responding to insane followers of Islam killing people WITH OUT MERCY on tv and on Al-Jazera?

Well where should we start?

Well, Start off wit hthe largest amount of Whack jobs that have this image of "death to USA", the yare called Shia's and they live in Iran. Heck their Ayatollah (religious leader) has advocated death to our beloved country before. Somehow you have to change his mind, because well he leads a bunch of people who will do his bidding.

Ummm, hes like crazy.

Oh right. Well, I know one Person that directly challenged him here is the quote from him, and I guarentee that if this Ayatollah declares a jyhad o nhim he wil lget an answer very quickly:
Taken from:

“Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread the sword by the faith he preached,” the pope quoted the emperor, in a speech to 1,500 students and faculty.

He went on to say that violent conversion to Islam was contrary to reason and thus “contrary to God’s nature.”

he was basically talking about fundamentalism, and unfortunatly there is a huge country thats all about that, but hes also sending a message.
If Islam reacts violently he is justified. If this begins a dialogue with a few Ayatollahs, whether it be Sunni, Shia or Druze then its worth it.

And what can those Ayatollahs do to help stop fanaticalsim in Islam? What can they do to stop giving Islam a bad name?

They can Issue statements and ruleings saying that if any one is forced to convert to Islam that they be the equivalent of excommunicated. 
And that if they use violence to wage jyhads, they also get excommunicated. This has been done with the SUnni Ayatollah in the last 5 years. 
Of Course the Shia one is indifferent it seems.

But since one big Ayatollah in Iran doesnt care, then this violence associated with Islam will continue until the world stamps it flat with our form of violence, and Ireally hope that does not happen.

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