Sweet Potato Couple fic : The Second Time Around

May 25, 2010 17:28

You know this will happen sooner or later.  
The latest episode of Sweet Potatoes was just so adorable…. I couldn’t help myself…

Fandom      : We Got Married
Pairing        : Sweet Potato Couple aka SeoHwa
Characters : CN Blue, SeoHyun
Disclaimer : none of the characters belongs to me.
Rating         : G
Title             : The Second Time Around - FIVE YEARS LATER
Summary   : She must have been crazy to sign up for the show in the first place.

He arrived early at the same café they went to on their second date. The wall was still the same mixture of wood panels over bare wall, with wooden furniture and medium sized book shelves in the corner displaying some coffee tables publication and a few novels. He glanced at the framed picture on the side wall and couldn’t help but smile. There, hung above the low chest cluttered with kitschy ornaments was their picture together. They were facing each other, stealing awkward glances at each other’s faces. They looked so young, he mused quietly. The memory of that day came rushing back at him and he felt shy all of the sudden. Which was silly, of course. After all, that was five years ago.

He looked around at the rolling cameras and wondered if he looked OK.
He wanted to look good for her but pressed the urge to go to the bathroom to check his face in the mirror. He didn’t have much sleep last night and afraid the ever present dark circles would be showing under his eyes. The week had been hellish, thanks to their upcoming new album. But he knew deep down that this was only part of the cause of his restlessness.

‘What is this?’ he asked his manager a week ago when a thick red envelope handed to him while they were practicing at the studio.
‘Open it quickly, hyung,’ Jung Shin was only too happy to stop the long practice session and leisurely stretched his overgrown arms and legs before took a seat next to him.

The envelope revealed a single invitation card. He scanned the writing quickly before looking back at his manager in confusion.
‘This is a joke, right?’
‘What is it?’ Jong Hyun snatched the card from his hand. A slow smirk appeared on his face as he registered the invitation. He gleefully passed the card around to Jung Shin and Min Hyuk.

‘I can’t possibly do this again. We have to finish first batch of recording by the end of next week,’ he heard himself whine like a school boy.
‘It’s a five year reunion. All couples do the same thing for their fifth anniversary.’
‘Anniversary? It’s only for a show. How is it an anniversary?’
‘Anniversary, reunion, whatever you want to call it,’ his manager hyung looked unconcerned while checking his schedule.

‘Do I really have to do this?’ He snatched the card back from Jung Shin who looked like he’s enjoying his hyung’s misery a bit too much.
‘It’s really up to you. It wasn’t there in the contract five years ago. But she said she’s coming.’
‘She did?’
‘Yup, I got a call an hour ago.’ His manager paused a little and lifted his face from the calendar. ‘So? Are you going to do it? It’s only for one day. I guess you’ll have your mission as usual, you know the drill.’

He looked around at the smirking faces (and in case of Jung Shin, it’s the widest grin he had seen on his face in the last couple of weeks or so) and wondered why was that he had such brats for members.

‘If you didn’t want to go, I can do it for you, hyung,’ Jung Shin piped up pretending to appear solemn but failed miserably.
‘I can be the brother in law who fell in love with your ex wife… A total drama episode…’
‘What??’ He reached for Min Hyuk’s drum stick on the floor. Sometimes Jung Shin just needed some good knocking on his head.
‘But it’s only for a show!!!’ Jung Shin moved quickly before he could touch the wooden stick on the floor.
‘Tell them I’m coming.’ He glared at his dongsaengs. Brats. One of these days he should have really given them a proper beating.

He wondered what her reaction had been when she received the same invitation he held in his hand.

She told herself it’s not that much of a big deal as she looked at herself in the mirror. A five year reunion. That’s what it was. It’s not like they were going to start their on-screen relationship all over again. Now THAT would be awkward.

He had kissed her in front of the camera on their last episode together - months after their first meeting. An innocent peck on her forehead just before they said goodbye. The camera captured the moment perfectly and legions of fanboys and fangirls left broken hearted as a result.

But it was what was not shown on the camera that left her flustered for weeks to come. Her all too sudden wild irregular heartbeats, her trembling lips as she bit her tongue trying to hold all emotions inside. And so she froze on her feet when his lips touched her skin, his warm hands steadied her shoulders. It lasted forever, and yet when she watched the broadcast and counted the time lapsed, the kiss didn’t last more than five seconds.

She remembered how she excused herself to go behind the closed door for a while. Faintly she could hear him politely asked the cameraman not to follow her.

Seconds later, the bedroom door opened and he came inside.
‘Are you OK?’ he asked her cautiously.
She forced herself to smile and nodded slowly.
‘Yes,’ she heard herself answered in a weird shaky voice.
He didn’t say a word then, but pulled her into a hug and they stayed like that for what seemed eternity (although of course it wasn’t and it ended too soon). He took a step back afterwards, but not before he kissed her again on the tip of her nose.
And on the crown of her hair.
And a brush on her cheek. Just barely.

She wished he was not always that gentle to her.
She wished he could appear a little hateful.
She wished he wasn’t always a perfect gentleman.
It would have been a lot easier for her.

She wished time would just stop then.

‘We’ll call each other often, OK?’ he said as they left the house for the last time.
She nodded and said her goodbye, waving and walking to the waiting SUV with her manager behind the wheel.

She watched him disappeared from view as he drove himself away after one final goodbye to the whole staff. Any minute now she was going to cry, she thought.
But she didn’t. Not even that night after she arrived at her dorm, or the day after.
It was weeks later, when his call never materialized, that she woke up one morning in her temporary dorm in Japan, with swollen eyes and damp pillow (and what a mess that had been!).

Her first love story, she thought rather sadly. She must have been crazy to sign up for the show in the first place. She had miscalculated how much her feeling would play a part in this fake relationship.
Of course, that was five years ago.
She’s an accomplished woman now. It was only part of her education.

She looked back at her reflection in the mirror.
‘It’s not a big deal,’ she drew a sharp breath. ‘You will be alright.’

A lot of times he questioned himself, what stopped him from keeping in contact with her? Had he been an asshole by not calling her often as he had promised her to? It’s not like they stopped talking to each other altogether.
Often they met back stage at various music shows. He would give her his widest grin and waved at her. Sometimes he would even get on his feet and walked over to greet her and shared a few jokes. But there seemed like a wall had been built between them. And he couldn’t understand why.

Was it because he didn’t call while she was away for months of overseas shows and promotions once the show was over? Well, it’s fucking expensive! And he was busy. And the hairstylist noona kept changing their style it gave him nightmares.
Yeah, lame excuses.
Did she think he purposely avoided her? But that was absurd.
He scratched his head but couldn’t get any answer.

Lee Joon said he needed to go and just confessed to her already. Told her that he in fact was in love with her.
He remembered flipping back his hair (a very rocker-ish thing to do) and told his best friend he was being ridiculous.
Joon rolled his eyes and threw a crushed newspaper at him.
‘Of course you loved her,’ he said firmly. ‘Why else would you write that song for her?’
Now it’s his turn to roll eyes.
‘I told you it was only a song. I wasn’t in love…’ his voice trailed as Joon mocked his rapping part.

You are the president of my heart.
I’m genie for you girl.

‘Actually, it’s probably the best that you didn’t hook up with her,’ Joon paused his rapping and pointed his long index finger at him. ‘Seeing how you’re already this pussy whipped even before you made her yours.’

He glared at his friend.
He really shouldn’t have written those lines in the first place.
Still, it was his shout out for her, his way of saying thank you (for bringing more fans for CN Blue). At least he convinced himself that’s what it was. Nothing more and nothing less.

I love you lovely
I see you even when I close my eyes

He had brats for members and a fucking dick for best friend.
He aimed his guitar pick at Joon. Grinned when it landed in his mouth. Served him right.

‘It’s just that I could never find a perfect time to call,’ he said almost to himself. And when he did (after she came back from Japan, after he cleared up the stupid scandal (that) arose between him and Shin Hye), she had already changed her number. Apparently, the world worked in a sort of great fucking irony.
It felt like a one time opportunity slipped through his hand. A could’ve, should’ve situation he missed because of his own doing.

He pretended that it didn’t mean a thing.

The unfulfilled promise to call hurt a little. She told herself it was unreasonable to expect him calling her while she was away overseas. They were just colleagues. It’s not like doing the show of being a make believe couple automatically made them a real couple.
No, it wasn’t that.
But she thought he could have at least called (or sent a freaking email for God sake!) when he made a headline many months later.

The media dubbed it a hot idol scandal.
He was photographed leaving the house of a female celebrity early in the morning. His ex co-star in a drama.
She remembered the commotion it caused within her unnies. They were angry at him, told her she’s better off without him. Even though they were not a couple, really, she had thought amusedly.

‘I’m fine,’ she shrugged at their concern, kept her expression blank as they clamored over her.
She was fine. He was not her property. That’s what she kept telling herself. So where did the jealousy attacks come from? Why did she feel like a brick sitting in her stomach, making her sick and anxious for days after she read the news.
She wanted to scratch the girl’s face, punched him on the chest, screamed at them for making her feel miserable.
Something changed that day.

It was much, much later that she knew the whole story.
Yes, he was caught leaving Shin Hye’s house early in the morning.
Yes, he was spotted the night before shopping for snacks and whatnot with her at a supermarket before went back to her house.
But what the media didn’t know (and they never bothered to give any press release whatsoever) was that it was really a gathering for their fake band in the drama, GeunSeuk and Hongki included. They had been drinking the whole night and were too tipsy to go home. Everyone except the host had crashed at the living room.
The rest of the group left the house a couple of hours later. Only they didn’t get caught by the paparazzi (or overzealous fans). Tell him about being unlucky.

By the time she knew the whole story, their relationship (or her feeling, more precisely) had soured.
And it was hard to go back to the closeness they had forged during their ‘couple’ days.

A lot of things had changed.

She had had boyfriend (although it lasted only for a year and a bit), even experienced first real kiss. Fans liked to think otherwise, but seriously. What’s a 25 year old to do?
And it was a perfect kiss too.
They were sitting in her then boyfriend’s car, and she was happy because it was her birthday and she had just unwrapped her present. Outside the sky was clear and it was a full moon.
He cupped her face as he come closer, eyes closed while she waited with bated breath, lips half apart.
Perfect kiss, perfect setting. If only for one little thing.

She remembered opening her eyes and wondered. How would it feel if he was the one kissing her? His thick luscious lips, his intense stare. What would he taste like? Chocolaty? Fruit flavor candy? Honey flavor mint? She felt like slapping herself for being horribly rude and cheap. And when her boyfriend asked what was on her mind, she kept her head down, felt the warm blush spreading on her cheek.

A lot of things had changed. But some stayed the same.

She arrived ten minutes late. Her silhouette fell on the floor as she entered the moderately-lit room.
He couldn’t help but checking out her long lean legs, decked out in dark grey miniskirt. The bottom hem of her trench fell just short of an inch over her skirt; it made him thought naughty thoughts.
Apparently he had not changed that much in these past five years.

‘Sorry I’m late,’ she said as he got up from his seat and pulled a chair out for her.
‘It’s OK,’ he smiled, waited until she took the chair before went back to his seat.

She busied herself with the menu. The sweet potato latte had become the café’s signature drink now.
‘Haven’t seen you for a long time,’ she said after they ordered their drinks (sweet potato latte for old time sake) and cake. ‘You must be busy’.
‘The usual,’ he shrugged a little. ‘I went to see your latest show last week.’
‘You did?’ she opened her eyes wide. ‘Why didn’t you come and see us backstage?’
‘Hmm?’ he smiled at her, and it made her blush a little. ‘You didn’t sing sixteen going on seventeen anymore.’
She laughed at him, ‘I’m too old for that now.’
‘But I really liked your solo.’
She had played her guitar and sang on stage.
‘Uhum.’ He gave her his trademark teasing look. ‘Your guitar skill is better than JongHyun now.’
Now that was just an open lie. She swatted his hand and pouted.

‘They think we should play together in a concert or something.’
‘The boys. I think they just want to see you often at the practice room.’
She drank her coffee. It was sweet and soothing.
‘My unnies used to say the same thing.’
‘Used to?’
‘Well, it’s been a long time.’
They ate their cake in silence.
It’s funny, he thought, how the silence between them never bothered him at all.

‘Do you read anything at the moment?’
He laughed at her question. ‘I do.’
‘You do?’
‘Is it that strange?’ he put out a hurt expression.
‘It’s….’ she looked up and saw his face. ‘It doesn’t seem like you.’
‘I’m a changed man,’ his tone was solemn but the smirk gave him away.

‘What’s our mission for today?’ she asked when the waiter brought an envelope with their second round of lattes.
He scanned the card inside quickly. ‘We have to pick our favorite mission from last time and do it again.’

They looked at each other.
The PD was being a twat, he thought. He’d rather do something new than looked back at the past.
‘What do you want to do?’
She was looking at him in her usual custom. Part wonder, part curiosity.
‘I don’t know. What do you want to do?’

He didn’t like to look back at the past.
There were just too many things he wished he had done differently.
Again, great fucking irony, he thought somberly.

They decided to go to the beach even though February wind gave them chills.

It wasn’t that bad, she thought as they walked on the sand, watching their shadow reflected on the water. They had dinner at the nearby restaurant, they sat on the rock and sipped their coffee, he bought her a necklace made out of seashells. It almost felt like a real date.

‘You changed your number,’ he said as they were getting ready to go back.
‘I changed it a long time ago.’
‘I know.’ He paused a little. ‘I tried to call but didn’t get through.’
‘You never called.’
‘Because you changed the number.’
‘Long before I changed my number.’
‘I never found a perfect time to call.’
‘Not everything has to be perfect…’
He glanced at her.
‘When I found out that the number had changed, I thought it was some sort of message..’
‘Would it kill you to ask?’ She rolled her eyes but took out her phone out of her bag.

He offered her his arm. She hesitated for a second before linked hers to his.
‘It’s been a nice day.’

She looked out off the car window.
It’s 2AM and the street was empty. She wondered how long she would have to wait this time before he decided to call. She closed her eyes, hoping to get some sleep when her phone rang.

‘You’re still the weirdest girl I’ve ever met,’ was the first sentence she heard from the other end.
‘That’s a nice thing to hear.’
‘I mean it in a good way.’
‘I’ll pick you up for dinner tomorrow?’
She glanced at her manager sleeping on the front seat next to the driver and straightened herself.
‘I’ll kill you if you cancel.’
She heard his low and sexy laugh. It made her shiver.
‘Wear that skirt again.’
She smiled in the dark.
‘I can do better than that.’


seriously, why is there no one writing this pairing???
soulfreeze wrote a onesided!SeoHyun/YongHwa a while ago, in which YongHwa was a total twat.  But it was fun and I really liked it.

fandom : seohwa, sweet potato couple, fandom : cn blue, fandom : wgm, pairing : yonghwa/seohyun, fanfic

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