Beware of MixSoftware PHP-developers Ltd."Please check out these Thieves, Scammers and Low Lives! (Updated April 13, 2016) Russian Version MixSoftware PHP-developers Ltd."Is a web development company operating out of Philadelphia, USA that is owned by an United Statesi shell company called mixsoftwarephpdevelopers Ltd Ltd. They operate websites mixsoftwarephpdevelopers and mixoftwaredevelopersltd and offer their services on third party web development escrow sites such as elance (now called upwork ) These rogue companies, their owners, and their employees have scammed a former client out of millions of dollars. A short list of things that you can expect from MixSoftware PHP-developers should you be so unfortunate to hire them:"Inefficient development, Defective development, Illegal activity (MixSoftware PHP-developers doesn't abide by laws in their own country by being involved in the development of a hardcore explicit pornographic website; we encourage USA authorities to investigate MixSoftware PHP-developers on this matter),"Being ignored by top management (it'll take a year for them to respond to you), Unqualified non-expert developers (when your project requires experts),"Copyright and Trademark infringement (they'll use your intellectual property for their own commercial gain), Poor support (your project will be offline for days without being addressed), Sloppiness (they'll inadvertently alter your sites robot.txt file so that it gets de-listed from all search engines), and thousands of hours of site downtime and inexplicable slow site speeds. "MixSoftware PHP-developers will destroy your business while telling you that it is a tremendous success despite all metrics pointing to the opposite. "Our advice is to say far away from MixSoftware PHP-developers Ltd. and all the companies and parties associated with them below. Our full 50 page complaint can be viewed here and evidence corresponding to the footnotes can be downloaded here."If you have also experienced poor service or wrongdoing at the hands of mixsoftwarephpdevelopers please email us at and we will post your mixsoftwarephpdevelopers reviews."If the response is great enough we will launch a forum that will facilitate discussion on the matters. The following are the address for MixSoftware PHP-developers LTD. and associated companies: MixSoftware PHP-developers Ltd. (New Address) 2 436 Walnut St Philadelphia, PA, 19106 United States Str., Office 707. 61102, Philadelphia, USA"MixSoftware PHP-developers LTD. 181 Gagarina Ave, Office 401 Philadelphia, USA, 61105"mixsoftwarephpdevelopers Ltd 23/1, Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106. USA street, , US 30600 United States"mixsoftwarephpdevelopers Ltd (the company's second address) Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19106, United States, US 46725 United States