I'm not really one for making New Year's Resolutions but I thought of a few things I would like to do or work towards this year, so here they are in no particular order:
- Finish my university degree
- Get to work at least 5 minutes early every day (maybe just most days)
- Stop letting the little things irritate me so much and quit complaining about them
- Clear out the clutter in my room...if I don't use it I don't need it!
- Go somewhere I've never been before
- Make a new friend
- Join a club
- Read more books
- Be more friendly and less judgemental
- Start learning a new language, or relearn the ones I used to learn
- Practice playing my musical instruments so I can look at joining a band again
- Exercise more and eat better (I'm lucky my butt has stayed the size it is for this long, but my luck isn't likely to hold out much longer)
- Write a story
- Look into finding a new job, something more challenging to keep my brain working
- Stop caring about what anyone else thinks, the main thing is that I'm happy
... that all seems achievable, nothing too dramatic. Here's hoping I can do some if not all of the above this year :)