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May 25, 2005 14:15

an updation has been loooong overdue!

the past few weeks have been verryy good.. school hasn't been that stressful and work has been goodd.. and i officially can't WAIT for the summer! cape cod is in like, a month.. and so is my birthday and the red sox game with the ladiess, in which i will propose to bronson and insist he divorces his wife.

so yea.. this vaca is gonna kick assss.. i wanna hang out with alotta people i don't see often so it'll be good. working this summer is gonna get my mind off alot of things and i'll be earning mucho$$! but we all know the real reason why i like working.. hahahah

mhhmm.. totally skipped 7th period today cuz i'm a badass.. i <33 rain so this weather makes me happy.. soo.. yeaaa.. that's all for now!

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