Dec 03, 2004 16:55
things have been goood! =)) stayed home yesterday.. felt a little under the weather :// still went to work though, which by the way i looove! its so much fun haha.. and everyone's soo nice there. i'm glad i waited this long to get a job that i actually really enjoy. and i got my first paycheck yesturday.. that makes me very, very satisfied with myself.
i'm working tomorrow from 7-11 & then going to get my christmas tree.. sunday i think i'm going christmas shopping with my mom, should be gooooddd =)) i <33 christmas shoppingg! something about this season makes even the crappiest things seem bareable. now all i need is for it to snow.. teheh.
so yeah, i can get my lisence the 6th of january.. but i haven't gotten my driving hours yet and i can't drive for shit.. so i doubt that'll happen. dad's been looking for a car for me and he wants to take me out this weekend looking.. so we'll see how that goes. i really, really need to see some people i haven't seen in a while, and not getting my license to do so makes me sad. very sad.. but i mean it's almost been a year, so what's another month, right? :// i miss you like whoa.
so anyway, i love my new icon.
have a good weekend everyone =))
oh yeah. i just don't understand. you've hurt me in so many ways and i resent you so much for that. yet i'm still attached. calling only makes it 10x worse. why can't you just let me move on like you have?