Fox 5 News asks, "How do you feel about
Viagra for sex offenders being paid for with your tax dollars?"
I see no problem with that. I mean, what else could they be using my tax dollars for? Social security? Education? Defense? Reducing unemployment rates? Pfft... Who needs that?
After all, I've aspired all my life just to give a cut of my hard-earned pay to some old horny bastard looking to get a hard-on. Thankfully, they've not only addressed this issue for me, but they've exceeded my expectations by giving the drugs to evil maniacal rapists and child molesters. Isn't that the American dream? To give some pervert a drug-induced boner?
HOW THE HELL DO THEY EXPECT US TO FEEL!? They're taking money that I desperately NEED at the moment - to pay off my student loans, to afford the wedding that's coming up in October, or to at least buy myself something nice - and funding further crimes of sexual nature!?
...No, forget it. It's a loophole; they acknowledge that. That's not what I'm pissed about.
What I want to know is, why the hell is my money paying for Viagra TO BEGIN WITH!? I'm not old and impotent. Even if I were, if I wanted an erection so badly, I'd pay for the drugs OUT OF MY OWN DAMN POCKET! And since I am NOT old and impotent, I don't want to buy these overhyped placebos for someone who is!
Impotence is a psychological cock-block; it's all in your head, old man. It's more than likely attributed to some sort of horrible sexual experience that you've suffered in the past, or maybe even the mentality of being older. Spending your money -- wait, OUR money -- on drugs won't cure your affliction. Seek mental help. Or better yet, seek God, especially if you're not into that sort of thing.
You heard me!
If I seem louder than normal, it's because of my own circumstances more than the contents of the news article. This is not the sort of story that someone with financial troubles wants to come across.