Fools, All

Apr 01, 2006 09:31

Goodness, it's been a while.

Report on my life: Coming up on two years at my current job, and not only did I learn not to hate it after I got used to it, but I got really good at it. So good that I joined the teaching staff in July of last year. This is far more fun than sitting at a desk and working, but it's also stressful, too. There's a lot of work needing to be done to shape up the training materials, and none of us have time to do the writing. We desperately need one more person on the staff to answer questions for the account managers, and we've been promised said extra person, but haven't gotten one yet. Since one of our gals is about to leave to have a baby, we could use our fifth person NOW. Oh, well.

There are some really wonderful people I've met at work through my job, people whom I would like to count among my friends. Sad thing is, when I'm not working, I'm writing or drawing, doing my artistic pursuits. I make time to socially interact with my family, but not for anyone else, so I have NO social life, which is sad. I want to invite people over for dinner, to entertain, to go out to restaurants and movies with them, but I have no clue how to get started socializing. How sad is that?

I made a list of the 7 people from work I'd like to get to know. What I should do is plan an event, one at a time, and issue invitations. That would mean cleaning my house first, making sure everything's presentable, because my housekeeping skills are sadly lacking. I mean, I know HOW to keep my house nice -- I just don't. What time I don't spend doing the necessary chores, like laundry, dishes and cooking, I spend at my computer writing or answering emails and such. It's MY time, and I need it. I also find myself missing my friends at work during the weekend, and would enjoy spending a few hours with them.

So this weekend, I'm going to clean my apartment. Scrub everything up nice and neat. Arrange and order. Find places for the things that are still stacked up from our move, that had no places to go in our tiny new home. I'm going to organize, and then sit down to plan a dinner, and invite my classroom partner over to watch her favorite movie. Maybe she could even bring her dog, and we could play with him a little, too.

We'll see. I'm awkward at this entertaining thing because I don't have a lot of experience at it. Hopefully the family will help out with some of it, because I find myself really wanting to have a social life. I have people at work whom I like, but never go anywhere or do anything with them and I think I'd like that. I spend all my time with my family and my online friends, and never go out with anyone else to have fun. Maybe it's time I started doing some of that, as I approach my 50th birthday.

Methinks it's time I had a life, instead of just living in my stories and the eight hours a day of my job.

Jeez, that sounds so pathetic.

Definitely time for a change. And one day, when Sara moves down here, she and I can be hanging out all the time, going to movies together, shopping and writing and doing fun stuff. I'd love to be able to get her out doing things, too, and I know we'd have tons of fun together.


So, no writing today, other than this. I'm going to turn my computer off and go do the domestic thing as a first step in finding myself a life.

Go, me!

Wish me luck...
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