In which, I suck.

Jul 03, 2011 13:07

Asking someone to marry you is the ultimate expression of love.

Agreeing to it, is the ultimate reciprocal expression.

And yeah. I'm not good enough. He loves me, but not enough. Not in the way that I love him.

And it hurts, every day that hurts.

I guess I am just a crappy person really. Good enough to be a 'girlfriend', not good enough to be anything more.

Just not good enough.

Compared to all the other people I know who are married/getting married, I'm crap. Not good enough for someone to love that much, for someone to love enough to say in front of friends and family that they love me and want to spend the rest of their life with me. Not good enough to want to make a promise, a vow to me. Not good enough.

Simple as.

I suck.

It's that simple.
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